Consider the recipient's personality and taste
By default, most people automatically assume that you'll send roses. While many love and appreciate this classic tradition, there are other options. If the person you're sending to is more of a free spirit, with a laid back vibe, consider a non traditional arrangement. Below are a few options from our Teleflora collection:
Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage Bouquet
Consider The Logistics Of Delivery
As you may have guessed, Valentine's Day is one of the busiest delivery days of the year. If your special someone is at work, plan to know when they leave for the day. We can't guarantee any specific delivery time, as there are many stops. However, know that we will deliver the flowers before they leave for the day. This year the 14th falls on a Sunday. Consider sending flowers to their workplace on Friday, as it will be an early surprise that will be sure to make them smile!
Have Realistic Expectations
If you're unsure of what to order, you can always order over the phone or in person with one of our design staff. We are seasoned pros, so we can easily tell you what arrangement will meet your needs, and still be within your budget. Keep an open mind. Sometimes we have ideas that will surprise you! For instance, you can do a gorgeous mixed vase that the designer will make especially for you, or even wrapped flowers if that special someone has a favorite vase at home that you know they would love to fill with fresh flowers.
Each arrangement is made to order. While we make every effort to come as close as we can to the photo displayed, each designer will design a bit differently. Also, sometimes flowers come in damaged, or are unavailable, and a substitutions will be made. However, rest assured that the arrangement will always be filled to equal or greater value.
We've been in the floral business for over 100 years, and are family owned. We pride ourselves on excellence in design and customer service. We are excited for a new year of serving our customers. Here's to a Happy Valentine's Day (and 2016!).
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